international Sunday school lesson commentary
Sunday August 12, 2018
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call to generous giving)
Corinthians 8:1-15)
In the biblical Greek, the word used for “grace” is “charis” and it
is “the divine influence upon one’s heart, and its reflection on life”. In 2
Corinthians, chapters 8 and 9, the Apostle Paul turns to the subject of “gracious
giving” by the saints of the newly formed Christian Churches. The main purpose
of Paul’s third missionary journey was to raise money for the central church at
Jerusalem, which had fallen on hard times.
Paul had actually been planning and organizing
this tour to aid the needy within the “Christian network” for a number of
years, after being urged to do so by Peter, James, and John (Acts 9:27-29, also
see Galatians 2:9-10). From the time the Corinthians first heard about this
collection, they had been, seemingly, very eager to participate, and Paul had
previously laid out a plan that would make it possible for them to do so
without putting a strain on their personal budgets (1 Corinthians 16:1-4). Each
church in the Christian network would set aside funds weekly that would be
earmarked as a benevolent offering for those who were in need in their fellow
Christian Churches.
According to Paul’s wording in this
passage, however, it seems that the previous good intentions of the church at
Corinth had since dissipated, and so Paul asked his trusted aid, Titus, to go
and look into the situation at Corinth. Paul wanted to find out what factors,
or, issues had come up to interrupt, or derail, the church’s previous intended
benevolence (2 Corinthians 8:6).
Here in 2 Corinthians 8, verses 1-5, Paul
sought to motivate the Corinthian’s spirit of generosity, by first, giving the great
example of the benevolence of the Church at Macedonia. Here he told of how,
even though, the Macedonians were going through much hardship themselves, they
were able to “turn the concern for their own deep poverty, into an overflowing
of rich generosity for others”.
The Macedonians had gave, not only what
they could afford, but through their joyful spirit, they even went beyond the ordinary
call of Christian duty. In fact, Paul says that they even pleaded for him to
allow them the privilege of doing even more, and they dedicated themselves to
the LORD and to Paul and his aides, for whatever directions and instructions
GOD would give them.
Then, in verse 9, Paul uses the greatest
example of all times to motivate this young Church at Corinth. Here he steers
their attentions to the very “personification of benevolence”, our LORD and
SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Here Paul reminds the Church of how full of love and
kindness CHRIST was when HE came to us, though HE was very rich, HE made HIMSELF
poor so that, by HIS poverty, HE could make us rich.
Paul’s advice to the Corinthians in verses
10-11 is that the young church finishes what they had started a year earlier
when they were so enthusiastic about wanting to give and help with the benevolent
project that had been initiated for Jerusalem. Their church had been the first
to act upon this idea, and now, it was the time to go forward towards its
In verses 12-13, Paul reasons that “each
individual’s giving need only be commensurate with their ability to give”.
Beyond an individual’s tithes, GOD does not want us to give what you can’t
afford to give. HE does not want us to give so much that we suffer from having
too little for ourselves. Such could, in time, cause us to have ill feelings about
giving, or cause one to feel as though they have put the church in their debt,
or, even “put GOD in their debt”. And so we can see that, even in giving, one
must use GODLY wisdom.
Finally, in verses 14-15, Paul expounds
upon the guiding principal regarding the material exchange between Christian
churches. It is the “principle of equality” which involves the “checks” and
“balances” that are contained in “GOD’s system of justice for the regulation of
human existence”:
“When one has plenty,
he should share with others,
and when one does not have enough,
others should share with him”.
When we apply that principle
to real life, the needs of every individual will always be met, and there would
never be a need for worldly government sponsored welfare programs.
Paul then reminds the church of the very
source of this “guiding principle”, which GOD exposed to the Israelites one day
in the wilderness of the Negev, following their divine exodus from Egypt. It is
with the miracle of “manna from Heaven”, as it is recorded by Moses in Exodus
“When the dew evaporated, a flaky substance, as fine as
frost, blanketed the ground. The
Israelites were puzzled when they saw it. “What is it?” they asked each other.
They had no idea what it was. And Moses told them, “It
is the food the Lord has given you to eat. These are the Lord’s instructions: Each household should gather as much as it needs.
Pick up two quarts for each
person in your tent. So the people of Israel did as
they were told. Some gathered a lot, some only a little. But when they
measured it out, everyone had just enough. Those who gathered a lot had nothing
left over, and those who gathered only a little had enough. Each family had
just what it needed”. (NLT)
There we see that, by the Israelites
gathering two quarts for each person, everyone had just enough. Those who
gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had plenty
enough. Each family had just what it needed”. Let those who have ears to hear,
take heed, and those who can read this lesson, understand. GOD is deeply
concerned with providing our daily needs. HE does not, however, concern HIMSELF
with the enablement of our greed.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
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