Friday, August 17, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 19, 2018

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(Be a living sacrifice to GOD)
(Romans 12)

   Romans chapter 12, along with 1 Corinthians 12, presents to us the Christian image of what the Holy Body of CHRIST, which is the Church, should look like. Paul has already shown how GOD has moved to provide and impart righteousness (chapters 6-8). Now he moves on to the more practical issues that go to the heart of Christian theology, and what the attitude of the true Christian should be like.
    JESUS CHRIST does not ask that we die for HIM, but rather, HE asks that we live for GOD. Paul says we should strive to be a living, acceptable, holy sacrifice to GOD. We are not to allow ourselves to be conformed to and by the world, but rather, we are to be transformed from the world’s way of thinking, by the Word of GOD.
    As GOD’s messenger, Paul warns us to be honest in our estimation of ourselves, measuring our value by how much faith GOD has given us. And in doing so, we will be able to function better in the body of CHRIST, the physical Church. And just as our bodies have many parts that must work together in unison, so it is with the body of CHRIST, the Christian Church.
    As Christians, we’ve all become a part of CHRIST’s body and we each have different tasks to perform. However, at one and the same time, we all belong to each other, and also, need each other to survive and suceed. GOD has given each of us certain gifts, and we are obligated by GOD to use those gifts in service to HIM, and, to each other. We are to genuinely love each other, honor each other, and love what is right, while enthusiastically serving GOD in the body of CHRIST, in our homes, and, in all other areas of our lives.
    Do not curse those who trouble you, but rather, pray for them that GOD might bless them too. When others are happy, be glad that they are happy, not envious because you’re not. And, when they are sad, we should share with them in their sorrow. Do your part to contribute to peace, and don’t try to repay people for their evil deeds toward you, for that is a matter for GOD to handle at HIS OWN divine discretion. Don’t let evil conquer you, but rather, access the power of the HOLY SPIRIT in you, that you may be able to conquer evil.
    GOD’s righteousness is revealed through the transformed lives of men and women, who strive to reflect HIS image to others through their own behavior. As a person is transformed in their mind, and is, as a result, made more like CHRIST, they begin to, not only approve of, but also desire GOD’s Will. To do GOD’s Will, will become paramount to them, as they begin to discover and understand more and more, that which pleases GOD. What pleases GOD and what is good for us, are, in fact, one in the same thing. In that sense, which is the spiritual sense, a person becomes complete in every other way, and, is able to walk in the newness of life, that is CHRIST JESUS, and of course, enjoy GOD’s Will full time.
    The commands of Scripture are as real today, as they were in the beginning. GOD’s, expectations of us, has not changed over time. HE still expects us to do things that the world cannot do, or even understand. Things like, serving, instead of wanting to be served all the time, sharing, instead of keeping things to ourselves, blessing people, instead of cursing them, loving, instead of hating. All of these actions are conditions of the heart that are expressed in our lives on a daily basis, and they really do identify, just whose side we are really on, GOD’s, or satan’s.
    It is always a sad commentary to hear a non-believer say this about a Christian; “You know, I didn’t really notice anything different about that person. What makes being a Christian so special?” Christians must demonstrate and prove to the world, through our behavior, that Christianity really does produce the best men and women.
    Pray to GOD for courage to no longer be fascinated with the idea, or desire to blend in with the world. Pray that you can be a better witness for Christianity, to the world, through your daily behavior. Pray for the courage you need to reach out to the world in an effort to “feed JESUS’ lost sheep” with the powerful, life-changing news of GOD’s Holy Word.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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