Friday, May 29, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 31, 2020

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(GOD loves and pursues even the unfaithful)
(Hosea 11:1-10 and 12:1-14)

   The Book of Hosea consists of two distinct sections. The first section focuses on his personal life, while the second section focuses more on his messages from GOD. Hosea prophesied to the northern kingdom of Israel prior to its fall to the Assyrians in 722 B.C. His ministry spanned around 40 years, and he was a contemporary to Amos, Isaiah, and Micah, who also ministered and prophesied to other parts of northern Israel at that time.
    Hosea’s unhappy home life was used by GOD to symbolically depict how unhappy HE HIMSELF was about the state of affairs in the nation of Israel. And just as Gomer, Hosea’s wife, constantly left him for a life of prostitution, so too, we constantly to leave GOD, and make ourselves prostitutes, to the world’s ways of doing things. However, just as Hosea continued to bring Gomer back under his roof of protection, so too GOD continues to love us, and restore us, back into HIS glorious favor as well.
    In the Old Testament Hebrew, the word most often used for “love” is “aheb”, and it describes “the motivation by which GOD restrains HIMSELF from destroying us because of our disobedience to HIM and HIS Word”. Love is the one controlling element in GOD’s relationship with HIS sinful people, who call HIM, “their GOD and SAVIOR”. It explains why, through Abraham’s seed, GOD sent CHRIST JESUS to save us from ourselves, and particularly, from our bad choices.
    Through GOD’s love, we are freed from the bondage of sin. However, as GOD’s greatest creation (who has been given wills that are free), we must still “choose” whether or not we wish to walk away from the plantation of the cruel “slave master of darkness”, satan, and start walking in “the newness of life and light”, that GOD has blessed us with, through CHRIST JESUS.
    Here in Hosea chapter 11, the author of GOD gives us a vivid description of how we have abandoned the FATHER WHO taught us how to walk. Here in verses 1-4 we find being presented, the very imagery of a young toddler who is just learning how to walk. Here we can also envision the child being encouraged by the concerned parent, who patiently holds on to the hand of this dependent child, gently reminding him or her, that, whenever they stumble, everything can still be okay if they repent and move back  into “the Most High faith”, and then, “hold fast to their commitment to GOD”.
    And so, in this passage, “the language of love” continues to dominate the book of Hosea, but now, it moves from the depiction of “marital love”, that was clearly seen in chapters 1-3, to a vision of “parental love” that is clearly seen here in chapter 11.
    In Deuteronomy 21:18-21, we see contained in the Law of Moses, a seemingly, very harsh way, by today’s standards, of dealing with disobedient children. There we see a child being taken into a, somewhat, quasi-courtroom setting, where he must appear before the leaders of the town, because of his continued defiant acts against his parents. There the child is found guilty, and is actually sentenced to be stoned to death, by those leaders.
    Here in Hosea 11 however, we see “GOD’s anger and judgment” being overcome by “HIS love for Israel”, which is depicted as “HIS child” in this book. Instead of wiping Israel out of existence, GOD says that, for their rebellious ways, HE will send them back into captivity, as they once were in Egypt.
    This time however, GOD would use Assyria to capture and enslave Israel in 722 B.C. (Vs.5-6). And although Israel had continued to acknowledge GOD as being “Most High” with their lips, they did not show HIM honor through their behavior, as they constantly indulged themselves in idolatry, and many other perverse activities of the surrounding pagan nations.
    True followers of the GOD in Heaven already know that obedience to GOD is the only way to truly show that we love, worship, and honor HIM (v.7). And JESUS, our literal LORD and SAVIOR, teaches us that the only way to prove our love for HIM is by “obeying HIM”, and, by “loving others”. And we must do as JESUS, our human example and role model, did, during HIS short human lifespan here on earth. After all, “imitation” has always been “the greatest form of flattery”.
    And so, in verse 8 we see GOD seemingly tormenting over what HE should do as a form of punishment for HIS beloved Israel. Should HE utterly destroy them, as HE did Admah and Zeboiim, or should HE just “spank them” and let them live? Admah and Zeboiim, which is mentioned here in this verse, were two of the five cities (along with Sodom, Gomorrah, and Bela) that were destroyed by GOD, because of their defiant sins against HIM (Genesis 19:24-25, Deuteronomy 29:23).
    In verse 9 of this chapter we see GOD making the decision, this time, to not let HIS anger dictate the degree of Israel’s deserved punishment (which is death), as HE did with those sinful communities in earlier days. Instead, GOD reasons that HE alone is the HOLY ONE living among HIS people, and that, HE would not deal with them, this time, as mere humans would, by killing everyone.
    Here we see that GOD, because of HIS sovereignty, does not have to deal with all situations the same way, but rather, HE can deal with HIS creation as HE pleases, or as HE sees fit at the time (Daniel 4:17, Romans 9:14-15). The decision of death, though called for under GOD’s OWN Law for Israel’s sin, is, in this particular case, foregone. Here GOD simply allows “HIS love for HIS people”, to overcome “HIS wrath against them”.
    In Hosea chapter 12, taking up at verse 1, GOD says that northern Israel surrounds HIM with “lies and deceit” (“mirmah”), while Judah (southern Israel) was still walking with HIM at that time, and was faithful. The people of northern Israel “fed on the wind” and “chased after the winds of the east”, making alliances with the eastern nations of Assyria and Egypt, instead of trusting in GOD for protection. Now the LORD GOD was bringing a lawsuit, so to speak, against HIS beloved nation of Israel (v.2).
    In verse 6 Hosea implores his people to “return to GOD before it was too late” and start acting on “the principals of love and justice” that are called for in GOD’s Word! He urged them to always live in “confident dependence” on GOD, not man!
    However, the Israelites, for the most part, rejected Hosea’s pleas, and chose instead, to continue on, in their crafty, dishonest ways of doing business. They loved to boast about how rich they had made themselves, and they never were willing to admit to their “cheating” and dishonest methods of doing business with their own people, and, especially with foreigners (Vs.8-9). They had totally forgotten that their GOD, the true GOD in Heaven, perpetually see all, hears all, and knows all that we do.   
    In this book of Hosea, GOD’s overwhelming compassion for HIS “chosen people” is highlighted by much insight into “HIS true and divine nature”. However, we must always remember, that, “GOD’s grace and mercy” will never trump “GOD’s truth”. However, we must also remember that “GOD is love”, and “HIS love” will always trump “HIS Law”. Love that suffers and finds its own inner conflict, will, eventually, always find a solution.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website


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