Friday, May 8, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 10, 2020

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(Promised blessings for GOD’s people)
(Zechariah 8)

   The “post-exilic” prophet, Zechariah, is often referred to as “the prophet of hope”. Even as a young man he seemed to reinforce the pleadings of the prophet Haggai, who was his contemporary. Haggai was the first post-exilic prophet whom GOD sent to encourage the Israelites to finish the rebuilding of the fallen Temple at Jerusalem, after they began returning there following their time of captivity in Babylon, starting in 539 B.C.
    In 520 B.C., Haggai and Zechariah were instrumental in moving the people of Israel back into a brief re-commitment to GOD that resulted in the finishing of the work on the Temple at Jerusalem. Remember, all work on the Temple had ceased during the previous 18 years, after an enthusiastic start by Ezra, Zerubbabel, Nehemiah and others.
    Zechariah’s book begins with 8 visions that depict, in very graphic language, the power and control of the Almighty GOD over human events. These visions also speak of the importance of spiritual strength, the judgment of GOD on sin, and the promise of better times ahead. These visions are followed by a series of updated messages that embody encouragement, and further admonishments from GOD.
    There are two themes that are emphasized in the book of Zechariah that are of special interest to Christians. First, it is a book that is filled with detailed references to the first advent of CHRIST JESUS. They include references of CHRIST’ lowliness and humanity (6:12), HIS betrayal by Judas Iscariot (11:12-13), HIS deity (3:4 and 13:7), HIS priesthood (6:13), and HIS kingship (6:13, 9:9, 14:9 and 14:16).
    The second theme that is of interest to Christians is one of “eschatology”, which is the systematic study of the “End Times”. The final section of Zechariah’s book (chapters 12-14) is focused on the coming of “the MESSIANIC age”, where Jerusalem and the people of GOD will, at last, truly become holy.
    Here in Zechariah 8, we first see a series of seven short messages from GOD, through HIS prophet, Zechariah, concerning HIS promise of “a future restoration of Jerusalem” (verses 1-17). These seven messages are followed by three short messages concerning “the rejoicing of GOD’s people as a result of this great restoration” (verses 18-23).
    In this chapter GOD’s passion for HIS chosen people is affirmed in the same superlative terms that were given earlier to us by the prophet Joel (Joel 2:18-20), as he prophesized about the defeat of Gog and Magog in a yet, future, eschatological event. In the peaceful time that follows, both wisdom (the elderly), and youth, will safely walk the streets of a restored Jerusalem (v.4). It was a forecast that seemed impossible to the small, discouraged remnant that had survived the 70-year captivity, under the thumb of Babylon. Here GOD promises to rescue HIS people, and, to gather and restore the diaspora from the east, and, from the west (Vs.7-8).
    In verses 9-10 GOD tells the discouraged remnant to take heart and finish the task of rebuilding the Temple, just as HIS prophets were urging them to do, ever since the walls and foundation was laid by Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel and the others. Now, however, they were free to work without the distractions from their enemies that the others faced (Nehemiah 4). Those enemies led by Sanballat and Tobias, had sought, very vigorously in those days, to halt the construction of the walls around Jerusalem.
    Zechariah tells the people that the LORD Almighty promises to restore peace and prosperity to the community and bless the earth to produce abundant crops throughout Judah and northern Israel. They would no longer represent to the world, “a symbol of cursedness”, but instead, would become “a symbol and source of blessings” that all the other nations would desire and envy (Vs.11-13).
    In verses 14-17 GOD affirms the fulfillment of HIS purpose for future blessings, by contrasting those coming blessing, with the already fulfilled promises of disaster and judgment that were forecasted to their ancestors by pre-exilic prophets. In view of the options of punishment and blessings, GOD offers HIS people an agenda that would feature honesty, and justice. HE also instructs them to NOT make evil plots to harm each other and stop swearing to things that are false.
    In verses 18-23, Zechariah gives to us, from the LORD, three encouraging messages of the rejoicing that will occur as a result of being an obedient, faithful society in the LORD. The LORD now seems to finish addressing the question asked by the delegation that was sent to the prophets and the priests by Bethel to ask (Zechariah 7:2-3), “Should we continue to mourn and fast each summer on the anniversary of the Temple’s destruction, as we have done for so many years?”. Here the LORD tells the people to put an end to these “self-imposed” fasts and mourning, and instead, they will begin to have festivals of joy and celebration for themselves, and begin to love “truth” and “peace”, which are the things that GOD loves (v.19).
    When GOD decides to bring in the future day of blessing, all mourning by HIS faithful obedient people will be turned to joy. People from many nations will desire to join with the followers of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, because of their relationship to HIM. Powerful nations will journey to Jerusalem in their search for peace and holiness, and to worship GOD during the Millennial Age, still, yet to come.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website




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